Meet my two beloved babies, very very special ones in my life, my best buddies. God, I love them so much. There’s so much of relaxation when you come home after a day long work, tired, and you just kiss them, hug for a while, that’s refreshing. You can tell them any of your secrets and you are safe coz those won’t be disclosed any day, keep ur heart out before them and they are with you; you throw them in anger, shout on them, still they will not leave you. You can cry before them, they will soak all your tears and nobody would know. Rest on their lap, its enough to pamper you.
Muaahh my yellow cutie pies… Yes, they are yellow in colour. Correct, I’m talking about my two big special teddies – Pooh and Tweety.
Belated Happy Birthday to my sweet little cutie pie gorgeous Tweety and motu-rollu chubby-gubby Pooh… It was Tweety’s B’day on 12th June and Pooh’s B’day on 5th July…
They are so cute and still Bha shouts on me when I give some space on our common bed to any of my darlings while sleeping. So what if our bed is not as small as a single bed and not as big as a double bed still we can keep some space to the innocent non-living creatures even if I and Bha cannot sleep comfortably… :( (Aakir Insaniyat naam ki bhi koi chij hoti hai na)
It was her B’day on 12th Aug… Happy Birthday Bhakti…
Papa says that Bha is my darling (ladki), yes she is. We have loads of similarities; people who scrutinize, examine, stare at Us for the first time would surely ask if we are Twins. And we proudly answer them “Yes, we are twins with the age difference of two years”.. ha ha… now don’t wear your thinking caps; No my Mom does not have any super natural powers to have twins with so many hours days months in between. :D
She has everything more than me… Uff I never meant that, What I meant is –
Her Height is 1.5 inch more than mine.
She is more intelligent than me, that’s what the report card speaks.
She started riding the bike in the age which was 2 years less than mine; this is the advantage of being younger.
Her shoe size is half a centimeter more than me.
She rides her bike faster than me, however when I’m angry she can never ride as bad as I can.
Her level of anger is lot more than mine.
Her teeth shape is better than mine.
Her hair size is longer than mine, “just because I try a lot many hairstyles.”
Her hairs are a lot heavier than mine.
She speaks a lot more and a lot faster than what I can.
She has a lot many more friends than what I have.
After a fight she does not get calm soon, quite unlike me.
She will not accept that she forgot something, made a mistake, until we prove it.
She would always steal my chocolates; I cannot as she almost never has any.
She has more work in her office than what I have in my office.
Chikki loves her more than me, and I don’t like this.
And now her mobile phone is also bigger wider smarter costlier than mine.
Etc etc etc……… the list would go on and on and on
But Guys this is my Blog, so I don’t give you the permission to shift your attention from me. And there are still 3 things where I get a +1 –
I am elder to her. :D
I have better colour than what she has. :)
People, specifically her frndz, say that Appu is more photogenic than Bha :) ;)
And the last one that Bha says - Appu is my ATM :D :) So that makes it all, All coins in my Pocket. :P
What did we do on her b’day –
Before going to office on 11th Aug, I gave a printed sheet of B’day quotes and poems to my roomie, asked her to cut them all, fold every quote and on the upper folded side, write Happy B’day and a number. She prepared the sheets which were equal to Bha’s age and placed them all at different places in our room. When Bha reached home in the night, she was surprised to see a bit messy room, collected all small sheets, read them all, was happy and messaged me a Thank you and that she loves me a lot. :)
A day before I called some of her very good (jiggi / yaar in her terms :D) friends and invited them to join the surprise B’day visit at night. We made sure that we will reach around 45 mins late to irritate Bhakti. And we were successful. She got very less calls on her phone at 12 in the night, she felt bad; none of the sisters and jiggi frndz called, felt more terrible; roommates neither wished nor a cake cut, felt very shocking; She did wait till 12:30, no one banged the bell to surprise her, she got on her nerves. Changed into shorts from her 3/4th pants which she had wore as she was sure someone would surprise her, put on the bed covers, took the blanket, off the lights and went to sleep.
Poor me I was not able to blow the sparkler candle, not my fault, the match box was pathetic. We sang the B’day song, the cake was cut, and before anyone could put a piece in her mouth, she ate a piece herself. (This is what I always do; here we prove we are twins). Two of her frndz Rohit and Parinit did not waste the chance to put the cake all over her beautiful face and all over her shiny hair. The bed, the wall, the washbasin, the floor, the washroom, they messed up everything. It was gr8 to see a Cat fighting with 2 Dogs. :)
Reached home at around 4pm, yummy lunch – Basundi Puri (sweetened thick paste of boiled milk with fried crisp)… Visited a village “Agadgao” in the evening, to see the wind mills. First time in my life I saw wind mills so closely, even touched those. Felt like I would faint when I was continuously trying to see the rotating fans, felt like we are on some hill station, felt awesome. Such a cool breeze, I was shivering, I wish I knew that before, I would have surely avoided wearing a sleeveless top.
Dinner at Yash Palace with family… Tough I was very tired, needed a long tight sleep badly, however, Dinner party on B’day is Mandatory. :)
And this is how we enjoyed Bha’s B’day…..
Bha’s Gift –
I gave her – A bit larger… Smart to carry… Sleek… Nice to use… Wonderful features… Sexy… :) :) :D
Lovely Anroid Phone… Samsung Galaxy Ace…
Im in Love with Samsung… Now I desperately need an Anroid… I want my B’day to come soon so that I can buy a new phone OR get that Gifted from Someone :D :D
Another Darling’s B’day in this month – 5th Aug, Happy Birthday Purvi…..
She is one of my sweetest friends… someone who knows me very well, who always have time to join me in canteen when I’m hungry, who is my all time movie partner, who always lends her ears to my stories, who understands my mood swings, who is too practical to handle and pretends to be less emotional, who loves teddies and balloons, who has missed the real fun of watching all the romantic movies of my SRK, whom I am going to drag to the theaters to watch My SRK’s RA One, who carries my hot coffee glass, whom I believe and can trust, Someone who is gr8 at heart, a kiddo at times and a Sweetheart. :) Love you loads… We be the same always… :)
One again Wishing Happy Birthday to some lovely species (dharti ka boj) on this earth…… :) God Bless and gives you a beautiful year ahead….
PS. Writing a post after almost two months, so a lot many photos and PS, Plz bear :) :)
1 – Last week was my New Dress Week… What did Appu Do… Obviously wore a new dress daily all through the week. I wish I had a personal photographer to click my pics daily to show you all how I celebrated my week. :)
2 – Monsoon Shopping and gifts –
7 Kurte
3 Jeans
2 Shirts
2 Tee
2 Chappals
1 Boot (check in the below pic)
People who love me the way I am and are so concerned over my health the pic in the right is just for you – My last week pic when we went to watch Final Destination 5…
4 – My new nail shade of Maybelline –
What say guys, do you give a Go or a No Go to my new shade……
5 – I would like to share a painting prepared by my friend Rima and the beautiful meaning attached with it –
We take up responsibilities and at times we fail...
We let some people go away...
And at times we just don’t know where our life is heading...
We still live in the moment and have fun...
This is Life... No matter how harsh and difficult it is...
It is still Beautiful and Full of Colors... :) :)
Finally… Love you all… Muaaahhhh… Stay Happy… Take Care….